Posts about Posts Tagged "death"

HSP Podcast #48: Condolences

HSP Podcast #48: Condolences

You’d think as an HSP that I’d be good at knowing what to say when someone I care about, a friend or family member, had something terrible happen to them. I want SO BADLY to say something helpful, but I’m always afraid that I’ll say the wrong thing. So this isn’t for HSPs only—these tips could help anyone.

Some jokes aren’t funny

Some jokes aren’t funny

Are there pranks you don’t find funny? Are you offended by jokes that other people aren’t offended by? It’s frequently debated in pop culture whether certain controversial topics are ok to joke about. Rape, pedophilia, and racial violence are...
HSP Podcast #20: Anticipatory Grief

HSP Podcast #20: Anticipatory Grief Apple Podcasts | RSSAnticipatory grief is a grief reaction that occurs before an impending loss, typically, the death of someone...
Aging, Inevitability, and the Loss of Uniqueness

Aging, Inevitability, and the Loss of Uniqueness

When I was a young kid, I remember wondering why women on TV and in movies would make jokes about lying about their age or not wanting to admit their age. I thought it was so stupid; who cares how old you are? I completely, totally did not comprehend why it was a bad...