Posts about Posts Tagged "dogs"

Empathy Pang: The sharpei and his suitcase

Empathy Pang: The sharpei and his suitcase

Did you see the story yesterday about the shar-pei dog that was abandoned at a train station in Scotland? Look at this: This headline and photo do me in. Oh man, it hits me right in the heart. For three reasons. 1. Of course, it is sad that a dog was abandoned. 2. The...
HSP Podcast #22: Emotional Cutting

HSP Podcast #22: Emotional Cutting Apple Podcasts | RSSEmotional cutting is reading or watching things that hurt us emotionally…but we keeping doing them...
HSP Podcast #10: HSP & Animals

HSP Podcast #10: HSP & Animals

In Episode 10 of the Highly Sensitive Person Podcast, I talk about how HSPs can have deep connections to animals due to our empathy and ability to pick up on non-verbal signals.

Emotional cutting: reading things that make me sad

Emotional cutting: reading things that make me sad

A couple months ago, I fostered a dog and ended up adopting her. It was my first experience ever caring for a pet. It was like a whole new world for me, and I found myself reading tons of online articles about dogs and watching YouTube videos on training, grooming,...
Find a Work-Around for Your Fear

Find a Work-Around for Your Fear

Amy over at Nomadtopia is spending a few weeks in Bali and has discovered lots of menacing stray dogs hanging out near her apartment. She found herself feeling fearful and stressed about having to walk by and encounter these scary canines. Her anxiety would rise...