BrainswarmingBrainstorming is played out. Does anyone really use it as a way to solve problems anymore? It seems as out-of-touch as dial-up modems and AOL. There must be better ways to solve problems while harnessing the power of a bunch of brains at once, but how?

Recent articles on and Fast Company laud brainswarming, which is like brainstorming but without all the extroverts trying to talk over each other. A problem is presented, and everyone writes down their ideas and stuff. There’s more to it, but that’s it on the most basic level.

Brainswarming is great because during regular brainstorming sessions in the good ol’ conference room, the shyer people and introverts tended to keep their ideas to themselves, and their great ideas wouldn’t get heard. HSPs & introverts also prefer to ponder things for a while, rather than spouting ideas immediately.

This is a problem because, as the most awesome Susan Cain quote goes: “There is zero correlation between being the best talker and having the best ideas.”

(BTW, I didn’t even have to google that quote. True Susan Cain fangirl, right here.)

I like problem solving. I feel like figuring things out in my life is a brainteaser–a challenge. And I think that’s also why I like brainswarming. It’s a more efficient, smart way to solve problems.

If you’re interested in learning more, I highly recommend checking out the and Fast Company articles.

Thanks to Catalina for telling me about brainswarming!