Posts about Humor

The Highly Sensitive Writer: I Really Love Words & Fonts
Since I was a young child, it seemed that being a writer was my destiny. Many HSPs and introverts prefer expressing themselves through the written word. I’m also fascinated by fonts.

Join me in the Thank You Card Challenge
Two years ago, I stumbled upon an item called “A Year of Gratitude” from a retailer called Uncommon Goods. And I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it ever since. Here it is: It consists of 52 stylish Thank You cards, envelopes, and a small...
One step forward….one step back.
Journalists and writers seemingly can’t help themselves. When they write an article about Highly Sensitive People, they just can’t stop themselves from sticking in pejorative, judgmental language. Sometimes it’s so minor that it’s hard to...
Taking breaks in group vacations
A few weeks ago, my husband Jim and I went to Guanajuato, Mexico to meet up with a couple we are friends with. They currently live in Mexico. I normally would be uncomfortable “vacationing” with other people, but I’m pretty comfortable with these...Don’t see the movie “Inside Out” …
…unless you want to cry for an hour straight. Yes, I want to talk about the Pixar movie Inside Out. It’s about feelings. It s a lovely movie with a nice message. It is funny and creative. But it is SUPER sad and sentimental. As an HSP, I felt it was a bit...
HSP Podcast #39: Responding to the Haters
One of the reasons being a Highly Sensitive Person is tough is because a lot of people don’t believe that high sensitivity is a legitimate thing. This episode is about dealing with those haters.

It takes me forever to do anything
I’m not fast. I’m not quick at doing most things. However, I am deliberate and accurate. One example of this is cooking. Even if I have one of those “20 minute meal” type recipes, it’s going to take me over an hour. I will wash, peel,...
Eating outside is overrated
It gets really hot in New York in the summer. 90 degrees isn’t unusual. When I lived and worked in Westchester County, just outside NYC, my coworkers always seemed to want to eat lunch in the courtyard outside our workplace. Even when it was like 90 degrees and...
Empathy & Regret at a Spicy Wing Eating Contest
Jim and I went to an event a few days ago that was holding a spicy wing eating contest. I was immediately excited because Jim never thinks anything is spicy. I’ve only seen him unable to eat something spicy once in all the years I’ve known him. (It was a...
Being extra-observant helps with some random things
Highly Sensitive People are often extremely observant to details. Today I was thinking about how this manifests itself in some small, quite unimportant ways. Here are some things I think I’m good at because I am observant to details: Recognizing languages...
Empathy Pang: The sharpei and his suitcase
Did you see the story yesterday about the shar-pei dog that was abandoned at a train station in Scotland? Look at this: This headline and photo do me in. Oh man, it hits me right in the heart. For three reasons. 1. Of course, it is sad that a dog was abandoned. 2. The...
HSP vs. Non-HSP: The Challah Debacle
Here’s an incident–involving challah bread–that nicely illustrates the difference between a highly sensitive person and someone without the trait.

Incontinuities and Illogicalities Ruin Movies & TV
I was watching Big Bang Theory today. In the episode, Leonard was being sent on a trip to Switzerland to observe the Hadron Collider. The entire episode was about Sheldon trying to convince Leonard to take him on the trip instead of Penny, since it had been...
I Hate Scary Horror Movies
I’m sensitive to horror movies and violence because it stays with me a long time. So I avoid this type of entertainment. I hate scary movies!

I’m not lazy…HSPs just need more sleep.
Oh, sweet, sweet, sleep. Dr. Elaine Aron recommends that HSPs “spend 8-10 hours in bed each day, sleeping or not.” (source) I totally agree! I love my sleep. “Getting enough sleep” is never a question for me. It is essential. I love feeling...
Responding to Haters, Yet Again
A friend posted a link to my new podcast on her Facebook wall and someone had some not-so-nice things to say. Here’s some of it: I think someone ‘realizing’ they are highly sensitive is about the worst thing that could happen to them. It’s the...
How did being an introvert or HSP affect you as a kid?
When you look back at your life, what little memories can you recall where you were made to feel guilty, inadequate, dumb, or unsuccessful about being introverted or highly sensitive? As a child, I remember being told to “speak up”, “participate...
How cool would a fitness gym for HSPs and introverts be?!
The Social Anxiety / Shyness / Introvert / HSP Gym has dividers between every treadmill, every stationary bike, and every weight bench–kind of like cubicles. There is an indicator light above each machine area to let you know if it’s occupied. The gym has...
I Can’t Shop When People are Waiting for Me
I’ve never been able to shop with other people. Especially when someone is waiting for me. Just the idea of it sounds awful. There have been times when my husband and I are at the mall, and I need to buy something, and he’s in a generous mood and tells me...
Highly Sensitive Person Travel Survival Kit
I enjoy traveling, but it isn’t without its challenges as an HSP. Here are a list of the essentials (and, well, not-so-essentials) that will help make your trip much more comfortable and enjoyable. Sleep Mask: Block out any offending light sources when you are...
Remembering the dreaded “Class Participation”
Going through old boxes of stuff at my parents’ house, I found this progress report from a religion class I attended in first grade, when I was about 6 years old. Classic!!! Check it out–I’ve got perfect marks on everything, except a C in “oral...
All the Battles I Fought When I Worked in a Cubicle
Bright lights. A painful chair. Odors. Lack of privacy, quiet, and control. That’s office life. As an HSP, I’m highly tuned in to my environment and lots of little things become big things since I can’t stop obsessing over them.

Enjoy Parties for the First Time Ever: Take Two Cars!
I like parties, but I like them under my terms! I am an introvert, and after a certain amount of time around people, I run out of energy and get cranky and want to go home and be alone. Yadda yadda yadda. You know all this stuff already. But, my husband is an...
Gifts for Introverts and HSPs (Highly Sensitive People)
See the updated 2015-16 gift guide here! Are you struggling to find a gift for an introverted, highly sensitive friend, spouse, co-worker, or family member? Then this list is for you. Featured here are practical presents for those of us who are overwhelmed by social...
Black Friday…

My Goal is to Take Down Bright Lights in the Workplace
In all three of my previous office jobs, I had to be moved to a different spot in the office because I was bothered by the bright, fluorescent office lights. (In all three instances, this put me in a location in the building far away from the rest of my department....
Highly Sensitive Person Travel Tips
People who know me are sometimes surprised that I travel as much as I do, since I don’t seem like the most laid-back person ever. Since little things tend to bother me more than the average person, you’d think independent travel would be more difficult...
The Worst Places on Earth for HSPs
Overstimulation. Noise, chaos, bright lights, smells, crowds. These are the highly sensitive person’s kryptonite. There are some places that have overstimulation in spades, and it’s best you avoid them if you don’t want to ruin your day. Here’s...
Coffee is my Kryptonite: Caffeine Effects & Sensitivity
As I type this, I am sitting in a cafe, sipping a decaf mocha, as the hipster baristas roll their eyes at my lameness. I am ridiculously sensitive to caffeine. Having one cup of coffee can make me feel terrible for hours and hours. But, like sunburns, I seem to forget...TV Characters that have HSP Traits: Sheldon Cooper
In the video below, Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory explains in detail why he must sit in a specific seat in his living room. Quote: “In the winter, that seat is close enough to the radiator to remain warm, but not so close to cause perspiration. In this...You Might be a Highly Sensitive Person if…
You can’t sleep because you hear a clock ticking in the other room. You can’t sleep because there is a tiny sliver of light coming in from between the curtains. You can’t sleep because you can’t stop thinking about something someone said to you...
Second-Guessing Decisions
Do you have a hard time making decisions? HSPs are cautious decision-makers who weigh every piece of information before making a choice.