Posts about Traits

The appreciation of stones & rocks

The appreciation of stones & rocks

I went to a farmers market in a small town in North Carolina recently. It was a nice little market, but one particular stall caught my eye. It was an older gentleman selling rocks. He had a handout on suiseki, which is the appreciation of small, naturally occurring...
HSP Podcast #55: Easily Grossed Out

HSP Podcast #55: Easily Grossed Out Apple Podcasts | RSSIn this episode, I share stories about things that have grossed me out–a cow lung, pinning insects, and...
The superpower of smell

The superpower of smell

A few years ago, I was standing in my kitchen and I faintly smelled something. Something bad. I said to Jim, “Do you smell that?” He says no. Now I’m on a mission. “I swear I smell something bad. Where the heck is that coming from?” I mumbled to myself. If you are...
Visceral Reactions to Blood & Guts

Visceral Reactions to Blood & Guts

The other day, I started rambling to my long-suffering husband about childhood stories. I was talking about how blood, flesh, and dead creatures have always grossed me out in a big way. It seemed to me this could be related to being highly sensitive. If not, then...
HSP Podcast #37: Self-Criticism

HSP Podcast #37: Self-Criticism

This episode 37 is about criticism, which goes hand-in-hand with publishing a book and reading reviews! I talk about how HSPs often criticize themselves in order to avoid the trauma of criticism from others.

It takes me forever to do anything

It takes me forever to do anything

I’m not fast. I’m not quick at doing most things. However, I am deliberate and accurate. One example of this is cooking. Even if I have one of those “20 minute meal” type recipes, it’s going to take me over an hour. I will wash, peel,...
HSP Podcast #36: Creativity

HSP Podcast #36: Creativity

“All HSPs are creative, by definition. Many have squashed their creativity because of their low self-esteem; many more had it squashed for them, before they could ever know about it.”

Some jokes aren’t funny

Some jokes aren’t funny

Are there pranks you don’t find funny? Are you offended by jokes that other people aren’t offended by? It’s frequently debated in pop culture whether certain controversial topics are ok to joke about. Rape, pedophilia, and racial violence are...
High Sensitivity vs. Sensory Processing Disorder

High Sensitivity vs. Sensory Processing Disorder

How is Sensory Processing Disorder related or unrelated to high sensitivity? In some ways they are very different, but in others, there appears to be some overlap. First of all, Sensory Processing Disorder is a disorder, and high sensitivity isn’t. Sensory...
HSP Podcast #30: Politeness

HSP Podcast #30: Politeness Apple Podcasts | RSSAre you ever sorry about being sorry? Have you apologized to inanimate objects? Because HSPs are observant to social...
Being extra-observant helps with some random things

Being extra-observant helps with some random things

Highly Sensitive People are often extremely observant to details. Today I was thinking about how this manifests itself in some small, quite unimportant ways. Here are some things I think I’m good at because I am observant to details: Recognizing languages...
HSP Podcast #29: Extroverts

HSP Podcast #29: Extroverts Apple Podcasts | RSSOne glaring topic I have neglected to cover in this podcast and blog is extroverts. Approximately 30% of...
Are you very polite?

Are you very polite?

Us HSPs not only have good manners, we often notice when other people’s don’t. If my husband and I are shopping and he asks an associate for help, then I don’t hear him say Thank You, I quietly hiss, “you didn’t say thank you!” (and...
HSP Podcast #27: Science!

HSP Podcast #27: Science! Apple Podcasts | RSSIn today’s episode, I talk about the most interesting parts of this great interview of Dr. Elaine Aron on...

HSPs Need Creative Outlets!

A few years ago, never would I have used the word “creative” to describe myself. Creative people were painters, sculptors, poets, architects, designers. That’s not me. I grew up thinking that being creative or artistic was sort of a waste of...
Do you use high sensitivity as a crutch?

Do you use high sensitivity as a crutch?

I’ve mentioned several times about how my husband Jim has tried to understand my high sensitivity. At first, he didn’t buy into the idea at all. Slowly, over time, I could tell he was accepting it more. He was able to observe, realtime, my visceral...
HSP Podcast #17: Sensory Processing Sensitivity

HSP Podcast #17: Sensory Processing Sensitivity Apple Podcasts | RSSEpisode 17 of the Highly Sensitive Person Podcast is brought to you by the word sensitive. A blog reader,...
HSP Podcast #16: High Sensation Seeking

HSP Podcast #16: High Sensation Seeking Apple Podcasts | RSSEpisode 16 of the Highly Sensitive Person Podcast is about High Sensation Seeking HSPs. You have no idea...
Empathy toward other people’s loss

Empathy toward other people’s loss

Us HSPs pick up on the emotions of others, including pain and sadness. It can stay with us and bother us more than others. There are tons of examples I could talk about, but one popped into my head the other day. It was something I haven’t really thought about...
HSP Podcast #15: Needing Control

HSP Podcast #15: Needing Control Apple Podcasts | RSSEpisode 15 of the Highly Sensitive Person Podcast is about control. It wasn’t until I started writing...
Weather Affects My Mood

Weather Affects My Mood

I grew up in Michigan then lived in New York, where winters are freezing and snowy and summers are hot and humid. Now I live in San Diego, in Southern California, which has arguably the best weather in the country. There aren’t discernible seasons: it’s...
HSP Podcast #14: So. Much. Empathy.

HSP Podcast #14: So. Much. Empathy. Apple Podcasts | RSSEpisode 14 of the Highly Sensitive Person Podcast is about empathy, which is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another...
HSP Podcast #12: Beauty in Nature & Art

HSP Podcast #12: Beauty in Nature & Art Apple Podcasts | RSSHighly sensitive people are often deeply moved by beauty in art and nature. This is a pretty cool aspect of being an HSP. In Episode 12 of the...
HSP Podcast #8: I’m So Jumpy! (Loud Noises and Sudden Sounds)

HSP Podcast #8: I’m So Jumpy! (Loud Noises and Sudden Sounds) Apple Podcasts | RSSI am jumpy. I’ve been scared by my own shadow (no joke). Just last night, I was using my iPhone as a flashlight in the dark, when...
Incontinuities and Illogicalities Ruin Movies & TV

Incontinuities and Illogicalities Ruin Movies & TV

I was watching Big Bang Theory today. In the episode, Leonard was being sent on a trip to Switzerland to observe the Hadron Collider. The entire episode was about Sheldon trying to convince Leonard to take him on the trip instead of Penny, since it had been...
Shower time: I Hate Feeling Dirty

Shower time: I Hate Feeling Dirty

I know I run the risk of sounding too damn negative all the time — “I hate this”, “I can’t stand that” — but these are truly the phrases people search for that lead them here. I could write a catchier title, but then how would...
HSP Podcast #2: I Feel Suffocated by Stagnant, Warm Air

HSP Podcast #2: I Feel Suffocated by Stagnant, Warm Air Apple Podcasts | RSSDoes stagnant, warm, still air make you feel suffocated or claustrophobic? Do you need a fan or cool, fresh air to...
I Can’t Shop When People are Waiting for Me

I Can’t Shop When People are Waiting for Me

I’ve never been able to shop with other people. Especially when someone is waiting for me. Just the idea of it sounds awful. There have been times when my husband and I are at the mall, and I need to buy something, and he’s in a generous mood and tells me...
Remembering the dreaded “Class Participation”

Remembering the dreaded “Class Participation”

Going through old boxes of stuff at my parents’ house, I found this progress report from a religion class I attended in first grade, when I was about 6 years old. Classic!!! Check it out–I’ve got perfect marks on everything, except a C in “oral...
Worrying about Worrying: Anxiety Management

Worrying about Worrying: Anxiety Management

We’ve all heard about anger management–what about anxiety management? Now, not every highly sensitive person struggles with anxiety, but many of us do. Anger management teaches people how to understand and acknowledge their feelings and anger. Us anxious...
Gifts for Introverts and HSPs (Highly Sensitive People)

Gifts for Introverts and HSPs (Highly Sensitive People)

See the updated 2015-16 gift guide here! Are you struggling to find a gift for an introverted, highly sensitive friend, spouse, co-worker, or family member? Then this list is for you. Featured here are practical presents for those of us who are overwhelmed by social...
Don’t Stand Over Me While I’m Working

Don’t Stand Over Me While I’m Working

HSPs generally perform poorly when being watched, and yeah, I can totally confirm this. One of my old bosses would sometimes stand right over me and watch me while I did things on the computer. It was so insufferable that I called him out on it. I probably said...
My Goal is to Take Down Bright Lights in the Workplace

My Goal is to Take Down Bright Lights in the Workplace

In all three of my previous office jobs, I had to be moved to a different spot in the office because I was bothered by the bright, fluorescent office lights. (In all three instances, this put me in a location in the building far away from the rest of my department....

Sensitive to Physical Violence: Boxing’s Not For Me

I recently went to a Muay Thai fight in Chiang Mai, Thailand. I’ve never seen boxing or fighting in real life before. I was looking forward to an interesting night. I know I am sensitive to violence in movies, so I wondered if seeing people hit each other would...
The Worst Places on Earth for HSPs

The Worst Places on Earth for HSPs

Overstimulation. Noise, chaos, bright lights, smells, crowds. These are the highly sensitive person’s kryptonite. There are some places that have overstimulation in spades, and it’s best you avoid them if you don’t want to ruin your day. Here’s...
Finding the “stasis of peace”

Finding the “stasis of peace”

I’m learning every day how to better manage my needs as a person with high sensitivity and introversion. Like I always say, folks, it’s about acknowledging, accepting, and adjusting! I do feel frustrated and even mad at myself sometimes because I have to...
Coffee is my Kryptonite: Caffeine Effects & Sensitivity

Coffee is my Kryptonite: Caffeine Effects & Sensitivity

As I type this, I am sitting in a cafe, sipping a decaf mocha, as the hipster baristas roll their eyes at my lameness. I am ridiculously sensitive to caffeine. Having one cup of coffee can make me feel terrible for hours and hours. But, like sunburns, I seem to forget...
Why am I so easily distracted at work?

Why am I so easily distracted at work?

Sometimes I am amazed that for a somewhat intelligent person, I have such a hard time staying focused on my work. Isn’t that a sign of being weak-minded or incompetent? Nope, good news! I can blame it on HSP! 🙂 A recent article by HSP expert Peter...
How to tell if you work with a Highly Sensitive Person

How to tell if you work with a Highly Sensitive Person

This great article by HSP expert Elaine Aron explains how to identify HSPs in the workplace. I wish some of my former managers had been this forward-thinking! She recommends using the acronym DOES to sniff out an HSP. Check it out: Depth of processing. Does this...
Deadlines, Schedules, and Commitment Stress Me Out

Deadlines, Schedules, and Commitment Stress Me Out

Yesterday I was talking to my mom on the phone and she described a super-HSP moment. She was a regular during the drop-in times at the local tennis club. One day, the club announced that instead of just showing up to play (the definition of “drop-in”),...

You Might be a Highly Sensitive Person if…

You can’t sleep because you hear a clock ticking in the other room. You can’t sleep because there is a tiny sliver of light coming in from between the curtains. You can’t sleep because you can’t stop thinking about something someone said to you...
The Day “I lost it” because I was overstimulated

The Day “I lost it” because I was overstimulated

This is a hard story for me to tell. I am embarrassed and ashamed of it. It’s the one time in my life that I’ve had an outburst and lost my cool in public. I was hanging out with my husband and a group of 6+ friends. We were all sitting around a large...