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Mentioned in the show: Resources for people who want to change their career / work for themselves online
Further reading on this blog:
- HSP Podcast #06: The Importance of Caring Less at Your Job
- HSP Podcast #15: Needing Control
- Jobs and Careers for HSPs
- Here’s the best job for a highly sensitive person
- All the Battles I Fought When I Worked in a Cubicle
- My Goal is to Take Down Bright Lights in the Workplace
- Don’t Stand Over Me While I’m Working
Podcast music attribution: By the Coast (2004) (Antony Raijekov) / CC BY-NC 2.5
This podcast and blog has helped me so much. My therapist and dear friend recommended this to me and my gratitude for it beyond words. I’ve listened to all of the podcasts and with each listen, I loved myself a little more. My little world of isolation has a light (not too bright, though)that is helping me see inside of myself and be a little more gentle to myself. Even embrace my quirks and traits that make me who I am. I look forward to hearing more and listening more. Especially your thoughts on the workplace. I’m having a major struggle dealing with cube life and I’m open to any and all suggestions. Peace and blessings to you and work. It’s changing lives.
Thanks Dominique!! This is so wonderful to hear. I have LOTS of thought about the workplace and recommend you read my posts in the work category–although I can get kind of rant-y. That’s cool that you “love yourself more”–what a great way to phrase that. Cube life does suck but hopefully you can make some adjustments to get your situation to fit your needs as much as possible!
I have a perfect HSP job: I do scientific research. A lot of my work is reading, writing, self-paced learning, working with spreadsheets and programs, and the occasional brief to-the-point meeting. All researchers understand the importance of a quiet workspace, being left alone, skipping lunch with the group if you have work to do, or allowing you to telework if it means getting better/more work done. Very hands-off. Work is a meritocracy, so I’m in control of how successful (or not) I want to be. It’s an amazing, intellectually rewarding career. Highly recommended for HSPs!
Thanks Rachel!! Finally, a job for HSPs!
How can I get that job then? I am interested in science very much but I am 34 with a Master’s in English. I am still open to study at the uni.
Wow…I don’t even know what too write because I’m so…I found alot of answers here. My whole life finally has an explanation…wow. Now I know what to do, how to go about things, how to asess and for godsake, WHY I am like this…since I was a child I have always been so so so sensitive beyond what most of the world considers normal or healthy. I was ridiculed by everyone…told I was too sensitive…Ontop of this fact, I also had a very hard life (or maybe it wasn’t to that extreme but it deeply effected me because I am an HSP) and I’ve been through many long times of depression and anxiety never leaves me. Now I know I need to take steps to adjust my life to my needs…there is nothing wrong with me, I’m just…an HSP. Wow.
Hi Jessica. Thanks for your comment and I’m happy you found some answers!! 🙂
Rachel, I have a similar job and it works well for me too. I have a flexible schedule and I never get stressed out =)
Dear Jessica, thanks for your comment. I just gave few days ago a ‘name’ HSP for my problems. Before that many times I thought I have depression, burn-out or just simple thought I am a bad person.
I know I can not change totally my life but slowly I will do some changes that allows me to live more satisfied and at the end I may have then energy for private life as until now because of overwhelming at work (and not changing it) took away all my energy and nothing left…:(
I think I start respecting my limits.
I spend some time coming to terms with being highly sensitive – which I think may be harder for males, like myself.
I seriously consider fining a different job and carreer – which is quite a challenge at the age of 49. I work as a financial manager and I don’t fit in with what most people expect from this position.
Reading what you associate with being sensitive makes me recognize aspects of myself. But there is one mismatch, it seems: I am also extrovert! Am I the only extrovert here? Does being extrovert exclude me from being HSP?
Hi Arild, no, you aren’t alone in being an extrovert!! Did you see this one?
Glad to see a site for highly sensitive people. I was thinking it was just me.
Seems like I can’t turn it off. My mind goes all the time. It’s like I can see through layers of thoughts, situations, and emotions that nobody else does. This allows me to be able to predict eventual outcomes of situations. People say “boy you called that”! It scares me because if means I can’t relax and enjoy the moment. My mind is ten steps ahead of where I’m at.
Wow, Extremely glad of reading this article. Believe it or not I quit my 9 hours cubicle job and late evening I came across this article and I had been planning to working as a freelancer earlier and pursuing it now. now that everything makes sense! and looks like the universe was conspiring this to happen.
great work Kelly! Keep going.
I need a change b/c I work 2 days but it’s kind of stressful. One day in medical records is with 6 other very extroverted people and the mindless talk and phones ringing all day and people coming in is a lot for me to handle the workload I enjoy the work, but don’t have my own work area. I like Sat (even though I ‘d rather not work on Sat) b/c I can control when and how I do everything and I’m solo. How can I change this so I can make at least as good money as I get now?
Dear Kelly,
I just started listening to your podcast – thank you, thank you, thank you! I have known that I am an HSP but tend to forget this fact as I struggle through life. Listening to your podcast reminds me that I am not alone and to be compassionate with myself. As I was listening this morning, I realized that not only am I an HSP, but I have a couple of other characteristics that, I believe, amplify the challenges I experience. I am a 6′-2″ woman (who has never been comfortable with her height), who is extremely introverted, and has social anxiety. Can you imagine?! Please consider doing an episode for HSPs who have other characteristics that make it even more challenging to live life in our largely insensitive world.
Hi Anne!! Thanks for your comment and kind words. An episode on social anxiety is a great idea, thank you!! 🙂
I really like the idea of being self employed. But, here’s the but. Drumming up business goes against the grain of being a highly sensitive introvert. I.e. Marketing, cold calling, etc usually requires extroverted qualities.
Hi Larry! Yes, you’re right. However, there are ways to market yourself that don’t require a super thick skin like cold calling does, for example. Promoting yourself online is less scary than doing it in person, and you can sometimes “fake” confidence online if that’s an issue. That said, it’s not easy and I struggle with it! Thanks for your comment.