The Social Anxiety / Shyness / Introvert / HSP Gym has dividers between every treadmill, every stationary bike, and every weight bench–kind of like cubicles. There is an indicator light above each machine area to let you know if it’s occupied.
The gym has an app where you can see how many people are currently at the gym. Fifty people are working out right now? Hmm, I’ll just wait until later.
There are TVs on each machine that are individually controlled–not one TV with the sound blaring.
There is no music playing (people just listen to their own headphones anyway.)
The air conditioning is pumping and the circulation is good.
The lighting is at a comfortable, non-retina-burning level.
And let me tell you about the fitness classes.
The instructors never single out students in front of the class–positively or negatively. They correct form quietly and gently when they are near each student.
They don’t yell to the class, “How’s everyone doing today??… I CAN’T HEAR YOU! If I can’t hear you, then that means you want MORE REPS!!” Because, you know, you’re there to work out, not be shamed into class participation. (We are all grown adults, we don’t need to cheer.)
It’s open late and early.
And, there’s no Zumba.
(Note: This is just for fun. I got some negative comments when I posted this elsewhere because people took it seriously.)
photo credit: jerryonlife via photopin cc
*HAHA* I love this blog post – I literally dispise ‘regular’ gyms, so would seriously love if there was a gym for HSP’s … let me know if you open one, I’ll be sure to be the first member! lol
(and people who reply negatively to this have obviously never experienced the sheer anxiety / stress that normal gyms give to people like us … it is hell !!!)
I was excited to find this site but the posts are practically making me hyperventilate!
Being HSP I’ve felt like an outsider most of my life and discovering ‘HSP’ has been such a gift. It explains so much and take I don’t feel like such an alien any more.
But on here HSP and introvert are grouped together on so many occasions! Not all HSPs are introverts. These are two individual issues and they are not interchangeable.
Please don’t exclude extrovert HSPs by directing to introverts. Extrovert HSPs get social anxiety too.
Hi Lexie, Thanks for the comment. Yes, I do often group them together because I’m talking about my experiences, and I’m an introverted HSP. I try to mention when I’m talking about specifically introvert stuff (and not just HSP stuff) but maybe I need to be more clear about that–but I do mention in my “About” section that I sort of lump them together. Most HSPs are introverts, but of course not all. Thanks for the comment, I will keep it in mind and try to be more clear to not mix them together.
Hahaha! It is GREAT! :-)))
I’d probably actually GO to the gym more often, if at all, if my gym was like this!!! I think someone should make this happen!!!! I’m pretty sure it would catch on. 🙂 I’d pay whatever price I had to to be a member! LOL
Seriously, right?! I think a LOT of people would love a gym with more privacy and peace!
I would die of happiness if we had one of these where I live. Why isn’t this a thing? In all seriousness.
I think this introverted and HSP rights movement is getting a bit extreme. You can’t expect the world to turn into one big hospital to respect your needs. And an app that shows how many people are at the gym sounds a bit totalitarian.
It is a joke. The last line says, “this is just for fun.”
The joke has become reality in 2020/2021 as what you described 7 years ago is pretty much a COVID safe gym. So ironic… but many things that suit HSPs better have become the norm in the pandemic haven’t they? As an introvert and HSP I loved lockdowns and have really learned to accept my own nature and personality. One little silver lining of living through a pandemic.
good point!!! 🙂
What if this were reality, would you go? What if you could just book a fully loaded fitness space to use by yourself? It would have an infrared sauna and cold plunge, bluetooth speaker, and a big monitor to cast your device to. Pay by the booking, no membership dues or contracts. Would you go? I’m working on it!