Now that you know you’re a Highly Sensitive Person, wouldn’t it be great to meet other people like you? Who also hated small talk? Who didn’t want to hang out at a noisy bar all night? Who were conscientious and good listeners?
So, how does one sniff out other sensitives?
The best way I’ve found is to search for HSP meetups on At the time of this post, there are 210 groups worldwide.
If there isn’t a group near you, you can start one. Or, search for introvert Meetups.
Failing that, try searching for Meetups for activities that are likely to attract introverts and HSPs. Like meditation, book clubs, or gardening groups.
What about meeting like-minded people online? Try the introvert and HSP subreddits on reddit.
Hey–not all HSPs and introverts are shy or socially anxious, but if you are, please don’t forget that you need social interaction to be healthy. Even though it’s easier to stay inside sometimes, you know–deep down–that you’ll probably feel great once you get out of the house. Interacting with others can give you a definite boost!
Anxious about leaving the house? Try reading or working on your computer at a coffee shop! There are co-working groups where people meet at a local cafe and work. You can keep to yourself or take the opportunity to meet other folks.
So don’t neglect your need for social activity! Finding other “kindred spirits” is a special thing and those friendships are likely to be extremely fulfilling and long-lasting.
Great ideas, esp. The co-working group. ‘Cause yes, you need to get out. Last year I went to a Laughing Yoga group, on a whim. It was very awkward, and way too much touching! HSP’s beware!
haha 🙂 Funny, Deborah!!
I am an HSP looking for others, like me, in my area. I may want to start a group. I live on a small island in Texas. It would be wonderful to connect with others and share life experiences…both past and present. There’s a richness that surrounds HSPs and I want to enjoy being around others who ‘get me’. Please email me and let me know if you are interested in corresponding and perhaps joining, or starting, a small (?) group.
Hi Joyce, have you checked out It’s a good place to find like-minded people. 🙂
Hi Joyce….I also am a HSP living in north central Arkansas. Looking for others or starting a group? Did you ever start a group or find someone close by? Linda
hey hi Joyce. I M an introvert HSP. Doctor by professeion. i m fromIndia. we can connect online. plz let me know
Yes we could even I am an Indian.
I am hsp and would like to connect with people . I live in CA
Mr Vishal , I am a hsp and a doctor too , from India , I would like to know if there is any existing group for like minded people like us
Hello Kelly and thank you for this information. We are a HSP association in Spain we bought your book and we love your blog.
We don´t have a meet up group but we support groups in Andalussia (South of Spain) everyone can find a support group in almost every city here.
We are glad you share this information.
This is our website:
Facebook page:
Thank you
I’ve been looking for a group in Lisbon Portugal and I didn’t’ found yet one. I would like to start a group, how could I do it?
Thank you
Olá Patrícia. Já lá vão dois anos desde o seu post. Infelizmente, só recentemente descobri ser uma HSP. Teve sorte a encontrar outros como nós? Obrigada
Olá, como nos podemos encontrar HSP’s?
Eu também o sou e ando por aqui há descoberta de alguém mais.
We had a Introvert meetup group here locally by me … guess what, wasn’t long before it was high-jacked by a extroverted narcissist who manipulated most the people in the group. Eventually many left, but I think there are even many who have till this day no idea what hit them.
How does one prevent this from happening … I think HSP people are like yummy bait to some out there who have fun manipulating and pressing people buttons just for fun & to boost their own ego.
I live in hinterland theres not a chance theres a meeting here.. I just found out i was an empath the otger day.. I just thought i was bi polar plus other stuff all theae yrs..
Its alot for to absorb to be honest
Hey James you’re not crazy! People told me that too! My name is violet.
I would like to get to be friends. Would that be ok? I get lonely. No one understands me.
This is very interesting James. Not sure if you will receive this comment as your original comment was in 2017. But my brother was diagnosed as bipolar many years ago. He was placed on medication, which didn’t suit him, so he stopped. Went for second opinion and told not bipolar. Anyways, I gave him HSP book, but he said he wasn’t HSP. But I’ve just realized not only am I HSP but introvert, some empath, and possibly some HSS. The empath part is the scariest. And yes, it is alot to absorb. I hope you have found some kindred people to interact with. I have yet to find any in person where I live. I am searching online for a group.
looking for highly sensitive people in or near Colorado…
I am from Colorado!
I’m a HSP and wish I could find an active online support group other than Facebook to connect with other HSPs. It would be so good to have a place to go (online) to give and receive comfort and support.
Check out The Haven!
Thanks Kelly but it’s a paid membership site.
I am looking for one as well did you find anything? Maybe we can create our own and market it to others like us.
Hi Sue,
I am looking for the same opportunity. Did you end up finding one?
Is there any HSP (PESSOAS ALTAMENTE SENSÍVEIS) in Lisbon? I would like to meet others
Hi Maria João, i am an HSP in Lisbon. How can we meet?
Hello. I live in dorset in the U. k. Would really like to know if a club or something like that exists here in England. Thank you. Elizabeth.
Hi, lm from uk and An Empath/HSP please reply if you’re interested in exchanging life’s experiences as HSP
Hi i would be interested Mia Scotland
Hi Mia
Likewise I am living in Kent uk.
Hi Christine
I would be interested.
I m HSP living in Kent .
Are there any HSP meetups in Africa, in kenya to be specific??
dd in northern nevada—Are there any like-minded persons nearby who would like a connection????
I’m looking for opportunities for my 12-year-old highly sensitive boy to meet friends near Kentucky.
I’m in Tacoma lookikg for others locally to start a group
Where are the highly sensitives in Brussels and in Lisbon?
I’m looking for any HSP group or club in Brisbane, Australia. Thank you.
I’m looking for any HSP group or club in Como (Italy)… Here the subject is unknown to all kind of doctors too, you can guess by the rest of society… 🙄 Have a nice day beautiful souls 🦋 🌸
Yes I am sure I am in La la land and find it so hard to make friends and now I am being canceled by people because they don’t understand me. I am very truthful and overwhelmed.
Hi, am looking for group in killeen Texas
Hi everyone, there is site now that is specifically for meeting HSPs in your local area:
Hello everybody, looking for some HSP in Lisbon?