Posts about Posts Tagged "anger"
I’m a member of several Facebook groups for HSPs and I see this topic come up a lot: People will describe a co-worker, family member, or a stranger on the internet who says things that they disagree with so strongly that they get angry…and sometimes they...
With all this talk about how us HSPs feel emotions so deeply, I’m reminded that not all these emotions are sanguine. I had a run-in with anger the other day. Sigh. I don’t want to admit what I’m about to admit, because, of course, in retrospect, it...
Are there certain sounds that trigger extreme annoyance and anger in you? It could be chewing, footsteps, sniffling, throat clearing, keyboard clicking, crinkly food wrappers, smacking lips, the sound of the letter “P”, slurping, or, really, anything. If...
We’ve all heard about anger management–what about anxiety management? Now, not every highly sensitive person struggles with anxiety, but many of us do. Anger management teaches people how to understand and acknowledge their feelings and anger. Us anxious...