Posts about Posts Tagged "beauty"

The appreciation of stones & rocks
I went to a farmers market in a small town in North Carolina recently. It was a nice little market, but one particular stall caught my eye. It was an older gentleman selling rocks. He had a handout on suiseki, which is the appreciation of small, naturally occurring...
Perfection in Nature: Let’s Talk about “Beauty Threshold”
I moved to Southern California from the East Coast a few years ago. One thing I’ve noticed here is that there are so many flowers, and they are so beautiful. I’m not even a person who is “into” flowers, really. Many times when I am out for a...
HSP Podcast #12: Beauty in Nature & Art
http://media.blubrry.com/hsp/traffic.libsyn.com/highlysensitiveperson/HSP_ep12_beauty.mp3Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSHighly sensitive people are often deeply moved by beauty in art and nature. This is a pretty cool aspect of being an HSP. In Episode 12 of the...
Overwhelmed by Beauty: Stendhal Syndrome
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by beauty? Does it hurt you to walk away from a beautiful view? Learn about Stendhal Syndrome.