Posts about Posts Tagged "beauty"

This Freaking Nectarine: An Ode to Fruit

This Freaking Nectarine: An Ode to Fruit

It boggles my mind that anything can taste this incredible. This freaking nectarine is so perfectly sweet, tangy, and juicy that it makes my eyes roll back in my head. Even as it just sat there in my fruit bowl, it gave off a heady fragrance that made me think of...
The appreciation of stones & rocks

The appreciation of stones & rocks

I went to a farmers market in a small town in North Carolina recently. It was a nice little market, but one particular stall caught my eye. It was an older gentleman selling rocks. He had a handout on suiseki, which is the appreciation of small, naturally occurring...
HSP Podcast #12: Beauty in Nature & Art

HSP Podcast #12: Beauty in Nature & Art Apple Podcasts | RSSHighly sensitive people are often deeply moved by beauty in art and nature. This is a pretty cool aspect of being an HSP. In Episode 12 of the...