Posts about Posts Tagged "emotion"

Do you use high sensitivity as a crutch?

Do you use high sensitivity as a crutch?

I’ve mentioned several times about how my husband Jim has tried to understand my high sensitivity. At first, he didn’t buy into the idea at all. Slowly, over time, I could tell he was accepting it more. He was able to observe, realtime, my visceral...
HSP Podcast #22: Emotional Cutting

HSP Podcast #22: Emotional Cutting Apple Podcasts | RSSEmotional cutting is reading or watching things that hurt us emotionally…but we keeping doing them...
Anticipatory Grief

Anticipatory Grief

Anticipatory grief is a grief reaction that occurs before an impending loss, typically, the death of someone close to you. Anyone can experience it. But for HSPs, anticipatory grief can be extremely intense.

HSP Podcast #12: Beauty in Nature & Art

HSP Podcast #12: Beauty in Nature & Art Apple Podcasts | RSSHighly sensitive people are often deeply moved by beauty in art and nature. This is a pretty cool aspect of being an HSP. In Episode 12 of the...