Posts about Posts Tagged "overwhelm"
HSP Podcast #47: Overwhelmed by Parties
Hours-long parties can wear on me, no matter how much I like the people in attendance! This episode includes my tips on how to deal with overwhelm at long parties or family gatherings.
The Importance of Caring Less at Your Office Job
Stress from a job can sometimes be alleviated by doing one thing: caring less. This might be easier said than done for a Highly Sensitive Person, who just cares *so* much about everything.
HSP Podcast #6: The Importance of Caring Less at Your Job
Have you ever thought about just quitting your job because you were overwhelmed? What about just…caring less?
Overwhelmed by Beauty: Stendhal Syndrome
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by beauty? Does it hurt you to walk away from a beautiful view? Learn about Stendhal Syndrome.